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A better future for recreational fishing in South Australia


RecFish SA has released a strategic plan to sustainably grow recreational fishing in South Australia.

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RecFish SA has released a strategic plan to sustainably grow recreational fishing in South Australia.

The plan stretches to 2018 and includes a number of measures and initiatives to enhance accessibility, education and keep fisheries healthy and sustainable in to the future.

Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Minister Leon Bignell launched the plan, 'A Better Future for Recreational Fishing in South Australia 2014-2018', saying that the activity was crucial to the State's economy with more than 236,000 South Australians fishing recreationally in 2007-08.

“No matter whether you go out and fish every weekend or just wet a line during the holidays in some of the state's great fishing spots, this plan is aimed at ensuring South Australians continue to enjoy a high quality recreational fishing experience,” Minister Bignell said.

“In last years State Budget we allocated a further $3.25 million during the next three years for recreational fishing initiatives including an artificial reef trial, a small grants scheme, and improved access to reservoirs for fishing. We've also started work on designing a stock enhancement program for Murray Cod in the River Murray.

RecFish SA Executive Member and spokesperson David Ciaravolo said that the organisation had come up with a plan that identifies the steps necessary to improve the experience and opportunities for recreational fishers.

“Areas we have focused on include resourcing, enhancing and increasing angler input into the management of our recreational fisheries. The other key area for RecFish SA, to come out of the plan, is to expand engagement at the grass-roots level with recreational fishers and we have a new constitution on the way to facilitate this,” Ciaravolo said.

The plan is available to download at RecFish SA.

This is a Creative Commons story from The Lead South Australia, a news service providing stories about innovation in South Australia. Please feel free to use the story in any form of media. The story sources are linked in with the copy and all contacts are willing to talk further about the story. Copied to Clipboard

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